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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Wich photo is the best?

Hey Guys!
Here are 2 photos that have been edited on photo bucket.
Yes they are both the same picture but I need you to tell me wich one is best!
The photo is of Frostbite on his trip to the beach.
This is photo #1

This is photo #2

So just comment and say wich special FX photo you like best.
Thanks heaps!

Mandy, Lela and the Husky Family go on a holiday!

Lela and Mandy spent there time shopping at the fancy beach stores and
relaxing on the beach or at the park.
They also got tons of photos that they want to share with you.
Lela and Mandy relaxing at the park.
They helped to look after Frostbite and Carrie-Anne.
They played hide and seek together.
For some reason Frostbite always got found first LOL He wasn't very good at hiding!
 Carrie did much better, much to Frostbite's frustration!

Carrie-Anne's beautiful sandcastle.
Naughty Frosty jumping on Carrie's castle!
Carrie-Anne got her revenge by burying Frost in the sand!
Frosty, being punished by his dad for jumping on Carrie's castle, had to sit on a log for five whole minuets. He couldn't go off and play till that time was up,
Much to Carrie's delight!

Frosty apologizing to Carrie.
Good on ya Frosty!

Frosty and Carrie-Anne wrestling their dad!

Frosty and Carrie found a hidden cave!

They decided to call it the pirate cave!

More photos in the pirate cave.

Everybody had a BBQ sausage sizzle lunch!

Lela and Mandy enjoying their hot dog!

By the end of the day everybody went home tired but happy, with a new sun tan!
Even Frosty enjoyed his time, though he was a little bit sulky.
Lela and Mandy brought home a truck load of new fashions to show there friends!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Back together again!

Ring ring.......ring ring......ring ring...
HUDSON  : Hi guys, its been awhile since we've ALL talked, I know you had an argument, but come on.
TESS : Yeah, I guess your right Hudson I am sorry for what I said, Mandy.
MANDY : ............ Well, OK I probably should have spent a bit more of my time with you
                                guys instead of going shopping all the time. And I guess I do waste.. I mean spend
                                a bit to much money some times but I will make it up to you both. How about a
                                shopping spree next Saturday? My treat!
TESS : Sounds good!
HUDSON : I am glad we are all friends again.
MANDY : What do you mean again? We have always been friends!?
TESS : Oh no! Not again!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Competition time! Thanks Lauren!


Thanks Lauren for the idea!! Ok, so this is our first competition!
It will be a photo competition. Take a photo of some LPS and Email it to us at or DO NOT AD SPECIAL FX!! The competition will run for 3 weeks to give you lots of time to get the best photos. You can enter up to 3 photos we will only pick the best to enter the competition! We will chose a 1st 2nd 3rd all photos entered will be posted on our blog.

This is an example just ad more pets, More Accesories, and more PINK!

The theme of the photo is...
Good luck every body!!!

This comp is still open if you were wondering

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Quiz #4 Blue

And the Answer to our fourth quiz is...........


Hi everyone! It's Sarah and here, and here is this weeks Quiz. Enjoy!
(Hope it is not too easy or hard!)
Quiz #4 Blue
Who could it be????

Is it Jazmin, Lydia, Lilliana, or MR. Woodpecker????

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Our first Fairies!

Sarah and I are so excited! We've bought our first fairy set! Please welcome...drum roll...Kayla...Dragon...and Sunny!

These are our first fairies!
The fairies playing around their magical toadstools.




Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New pet chat rooms!

Hi guys! We are going to have new pet chat rooms.
In the chat rooms the pets visit or ring each other to have a chat!
The chats could end up good or bad, friendly or nasty.
Also, you will get questions asked along the way. You do not have to answer them, but we would like you to (answer in comments) Hope you enjoy!

So watch out for our first post of the chat rooms!

Tess Hudson and Mandy's first fight!

Tess, Hudson and Mandy's fight.

Ring ring ....... ring ring........

TESS : Hi guys! Done anything special over Christmas?

HUDSON : Yeah, I went to the cinema with my friend, Molly.

MANDY : I went to Fab Fur and dyed my fur, I wish you guys could see it!

TESS : Sounds cool, can't wait to see it!

HUDSON : What color?

What is your favourite color hair dye?

Blond        Brown       Black         Red

MANDY : Then I went to perfect paws and got my nails done!

TESS : Your lucky you get to do that. SOME people can't afford it.

MANDY : Are you saying I WASTE MONEY?!!!

TESS : Well do you?

HUDSON : Guys cut it out! Why are you fighting?

MANDY : SLAM        beep........... beep ............ beep...........

TESS : I am so sorry Hudson, ...sniffs... I didnt mean to offend her...sob...sob...sorry Hudson, bye.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Hi guys! So sorry, we have not been able to post due to lack of a camera! Hopefully, we can get a good one soon. So for now we will only be able to use old pictures. We can't wait to be able to post again! Check back soon!

We found our camera
So now we can start posting again!!!!

Friday, January 4, 2013


Hi Guys!
We are going to have another fun year of OLPSW!
Hope all our viewers had a great Christmas with heaps of LPS  presents!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! We hope you made a resolution, because we want to here them!
Comment your resolution so every one can see it!
Thanks to every one who has subscribed or helped in some way!

Monday, December 31, 2012

Merry Christmas! and Happy New Year!!!

Merry Cristmas And a Happy New Year!!!
Last night we stayed up till 12:30 it is kinda a tradition
and we watched the fireworks on tv it was soo cool!
I would like to give a big thanks to every one that helped us on our blog
 this (I mean last) year! ecspecially
Trudy!! from the LPS fun blog
Thank you so much Trudy for helping us with our blog even though you are all the way over in america and we are in australia.
We hope you all got some great presents
and you all had an awsome  year
and a great year to come in


Friday, December 28, 2012

New Blog!

Guess what guys! I have a new blog! It is all about Xbox,  Xbox 360, computer and video games! It is called ...
please check it out and comment if you like it
Thanks from Sarah

Quiz #3 Green

And the answer to our third Quiz is ....
Quiz #3 is here!!
             Answer in comments, or if you need a clue, email
us at but please try and work it out first:)




Thursday, November 29, 2012


Demands for laptop access
 Suburb schools are demanding better access to laptops that allow them to get online studying for everyday school work. Many pets say to stick to the books, while the majority are saying YES.
"Education funds are getting lower each year."
says the LPS City's educational bank treasurer, Bruce Willems. While it costs 1000's of kibbles to get books each year, laptops will cost even more. But laptops last longer and stonger, and are able to upgade technology, while new books need to be bought each year. What do you think?

Students Angelica, Chichi, and Ernie

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

New Lps In Town~pets off Ebay!

Yay! Our LPS we bought off Ebay arrived, just less then a week ago. We were sooo Excited! We did not get to choose which 10 pets we would receive, and we only got one we already had. That pet was the Kiwi bird, which we now have 3 of...We would love to have you comment a name you think we should call it! Sarah and I will choose a name out of the name ideas.  

Opening the package

(kiwi bird unnamed) Georgina, Lachlan, Loopsy, Zackary, Maley,
Brittany-Fifi-JulieAnn-Star, Manessa, Lyla, and Tyler 


Friday, November 23, 2012


Still no leads on murderer, George Parker

And Pink for Mary day!

Crowds filled the streets of Petsville in a "Pink parade", for Mary-Marilla Mouseling
Day. The majority of the crowd never even new her. Many were touched, but all in sympathy for the lost 11yr old's grieving parents.

Large crowd parading in the streets of Petsville

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sleepover at Grandmas

2 days ago I (Sarah) went to my grandmas to stay the night, to get away from all the noise that those families with more than 5 brothers and sisters make! I slept in till 9:00 a.m. but I kept waking up during the night. I guess I needed it. That's why we have been a bit slack on making posts. When Mum and the others came to pick me up, Jackson ran off to the bathroom with out telling anyone. We thought he was in the car and drove off with out him, and we found that out about 5 minutes after leaving!We had to go back and get him, but really we wanted to leave him there for good! On our way home, when we were turning a corner, this old lady driving behind us was looking in the other direction, drove forward, and crashed right into us!!!!....... well, surprisingly, only our bumper cracked. That was our adventure.

Monday, November 5, 2012


The answer to our second quiz is......drum roll
The same as before answer in comments if you need a clue email
us at but please try and work it out first

Sugar Plum



Sunday, November 4, 2012


So the answer to our very first quiz is .....
Hi guys here is the first quiz the prize is being able to boast to all your friends LOL
 We will have a new quiz once a week!
we will put up photos of three pets you must guess which is the muddled picture pet please answer in comments
at the end of a week we will reveal the answer. I thought I better make this one easy if it is to easy to hard or just right, please vote on the poll.
If you really cant figure it out email us for a clue

