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Monday, November 5, 2012


The answer to our second quiz is......drum roll
The same as before answer in comments if you need a clue email
us at but please try and work it out first

Sugar Plum



Sunday, November 4, 2012


So the answer to our very first quiz is .....
Hi guys here is the first quiz the prize is being able to boast to all your friends LOL
 We will have a new quiz once a week!
we will put up photos of three pets you must guess which is the muddled picture pet please answer in comments
at the end of a week we will reveal the answer. I thought I better make this one easy if it is to easy to hard or just right, please vote on the poll.
If you really cant figure it out email us for a clue



Special FX pics

Special FX Photos from Photobucket.
 Frostbite and Carrie Anne are Snowy and Sage's pups.
Snowy is really called Chantelle but I think Snowy suits her.

This photo is used on our home page just different FX
If you would like us to put a photo of your pets with FX please email us at
Have you seen "How to make great photos with photobucket"then please click on the link