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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

NEWSLETTER Catwalk Special!!!

 From wannabes to top models, actresses, singers and dancers, these young and talented pets are hitting the Pet's City catwalks!

 Bingo, 21,This photo says it all... hip-hop dancer~retro, cool, loves video games
Molly, 19, singer, composer & musician
Lorania, 21, actress & model

Milly~kate, 18, model


Jenny Cradford, actress and stay at home mum



Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Customizing your pets

This is a great way to customize your pets!
I don't know of any other paints that would be good to use, but I used acrylic paints.
(If you know of other paints that would be a great help)
You can also glitterize your pet.
(instructions at bottom of page)
This is pet #664. I painted the eye shadow and the markings one the paws and tail 

                             This #633. Actually, I used plasticine for hair and it unfortunally
                             left a horrible mark. So Squeek got a new stylish hair trend.

                                          All you will need for this is: paint brush, paint, and water (and pet!).
                                 1 Have paints, fine/small paint brushes and cup of water laid down on a table,                        2 Choose a colour paint to use, you can try mixing colours too
                                 3 Decorate your pet . Eyes, eyelashes tummy, anything!
                                 4 Let your pet dry...even if the pet is fully dry, the paint will come off if the pet                            gets wet (don't let baby sisters near them! I know that from experience!)


                                 To glitterize your pet, you need glitter, and glue.
                                  Use this on dull pets who need beauty treatment

                                  1 Choose the area to glitter
                                  2 Paint glue onto chosen area
                                  3 sprinkel alot over the glue (have a piece of paper under the pet)
                                  4 After a while you need to shake off the extra glitter and, with the glitter
                                     on the paper, fold the paper so the glitter is along the fold so you can tip
the glitter into a container or bag.