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Pet Chat Room

In the pet chat rooms the pets might visit or ring each other and have a chat!
It could end out good or bad best friends or enemies???
Also you will get questions asked along the way you do not have to answer them but we would like you to (answer in comments) Hope you enjoy!

Check back for more coming soon!


  1. I hate the sparkle one there dumb not to be a snob LOL

    1. Hi it is Sarah
      Sorry I do not understand?
      What sparkle one? and thank you for your comment we like to know what our viewers think please reply soon
      your friend Sarah

    2. i hate walkables!!!! no to be snobby either

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love lpses I have a lots

  3. I am a huge fan of the old ones (The ones with the little pink paw print magnets) and I always get excited when I find some, when they brought out the grey magnets I was wary but ultimately okay since we could still use them as we did the old (hanging them upside down on metal polls and looking down on other kids who's toys couldn't do that) but then they brought out ones with holes that you had to stick on to sticks! (Some of which were unnecessarily hard to either keep on said sticks or put on and take of the sticks). I honestly get really annoyed with those because you can't use them with the old stuff that has magnets in them, but this is fixable with blue tack so I can move on. What I absolutely hate are the owners and walkables (and I think there are ones that eat now I don't know). I know some people really love the walkables and owners (or friends I think there calling them, but really do your friends walk you around with leashes?) but I find them incredibly annoying, and there not making them optional! They are slowly getting rid of all the other pets (Like they did with the pink magnets) I liked and replacing them with the new. I think the walkables look tacky and like there rear end is to loose on their mid-drift also if your toys can walk on their own what are we supposed to do? Watch as they walk around the little world we made? And the owners remind me to much of bratz dolls, I mean this is littlest pet shop a world run by small cute animals who have their own cars, houses and jobs. Then suddenly everything is bigger so the owners don't look weird sitting at a table that comes up to there ankles, there world is now no longer the pets but the owners and everything in that world is suddenly size proportionate to the owners. I also disliked the cardboard play stuff that they put in as accessories (hats, books, billboards), you just can't use them like we used the plastic ones. Sorry for ranting but this is the first place I could really talk about without getting strange looks since I am above the socially accepted age. I wonder how my friends would react if they knew about my LPS collection in my cupboard. :D

  4. Hi i am savannah and i love lps

  5. hey can you check out our new youtube channel called " say it all news" we are hosting a giveaway soon for LPS stuff, please subscribe and comment!

  6. Littlest Pet Shop characters are so cute! I've been collecting them for a long time.

  7. lps are like my life!

  8. Hi so just ya know if you want to friend me on the game for the iPad LPS my friend code is 31e8a34

  9. If you want to friend me in the game for iPad my friend code is 81e8a34

  10. Hi do u agree to get the old LPS back
