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Hi. We are two sisters that are just crazy about Littlest pet shop!
My name is Ashley, I am 14. My sister Sarah is 13.
We have alot of LPS pets.We still want more but the family doesn't!
We have three brothers and one baby sister. Jackson, 12, Caleb 11, Joshua 5, and Grace, 3
And we all homeschool!!
Our main posts will be newsletters but we will also make stories and movies.
We hope you enjoy our blog! Come back often to see new posts and stories.
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and chat with friends!

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  1. Hello, you have beautiful LPS blog. We are two sisters Veronika and Sofia and at the moment we have 1852 LPS. We have also our own website where you can see many photos. :) :)

  2. Hi Veronika, Sofia
    You have a LOT of LPS! I have been on your blog before, it is great.
    Would you like us to put it with friend LPS blogs, on the Friends page. and would you like to be friends?
    From Sarah.

  3. Any one dislike the totally talented pets becuase they r the worst to me i want the old ones back!!!!

    1. Hi Isabel thanks for your comment!
      We have never had a totally talented pet but I really wanted to get one.
      I heard a rumour that they have stopped making G2 pets do you know if that is true?

      From Sarah

  4. Dose any one dislike the totally talented pets?
