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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New pet chat rooms!

Hi guys! We are going to have new pet chat rooms.
In the chat rooms the pets visit or ring each other to have a chat!
The chats could end up good or bad, friendly or nasty.
Also, you will get questions asked along the way. You do not have to answer them, but we would like you to (answer in comments) Hope you enjoy!

So watch out for our first post of the chat rooms!

Tess Hudson and Mandy's first fight!


  1. Hi, I'm Inspired by your website do you have a Youtube and how did you make this website???

    1. Hi Jyn!
      We only use our Mum and Dads u tube so it will have all there movies to we are going to get one as soon as we can. Thins is not a website it is a blog you can easily make one. type on google blooger create a blog and then just follow the steps if you want a more detailed explanation please email us Thanks from Sarah
