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Monday, December 31, 2012

Merry Christmas! and Happy New Year!!!

Merry Cristmas And a Happy New Year!!!
Last night we stayed up till 12:30 it is kinda a tradition
and we watched the fireworks on tv it was soo cool!
I would like to give a big thanks to every one that helped us on our blog
 this (I mean last) year! ecspecially
Trudy!! from the LPS fun blog
Thank you so much Trudy for helping us with our blog even though you are all the way over in america and we are in australia.
We hope you all got some great presents
and you all had an awsome  year
and a great year to come in



  1. Replies
    1. Hi Bella Happy new year!
      Are you going to enter our comp

      Please reply soon
      from Your friend Sarah

  2. Yes,you can use the idea where the actual pet posts.are you going to start a new blog?

  3. hi Bella
    Yes I will be Starting a new blog or just using part of this blog what do you think?
    From your Friend Sarah

    1. Hi Bella!
      I decided just to use part of this blog it is called the pet chat rooms well I hope you like them
      from your friend Sarah

  4. Replies
    1. I already did have you read it? and please comment if you like them!
      your friend Sarah
