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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How to make great photos with Photobucket Thanks Trudy!

Photo bucket is a free program were you can make awesome photos!!!
My Peackock Lorania

Before I edited the photo


This is the same photo !

How to make your own photos awesome to!!
We are very sorry but our camera is not working
(our baby sister chewed the cord)
so you will have to wait till it is working

Hi guys! Guess what! My dad bought a $45 dollar camera
so now we can start doing posts again yayyyy!!!
OK, so this is how to edit your photos.
  1. First of all you need to have an account you can
sign up easily this link will take you to photobucket sign up

Photobucket sign up

you need to click on the link it will bring up another page.
2.  after you sign up you need to upload the photo you want to edit.
when it is finished uploading continue to home select the photo.
and select edit. if this is to confusing please email us and we will
be happy to give a more detailed explanation.

3. now the fun begins here are photos of how I edited my photo
The arrows will show you what to click

first click on adjustment, the arrow is pointing at it.
if you want to see these photos closer up just click on them


This will come up


If the photo needs cropping, select crop then crop pull the blue square as much as it needs to be cropped
Make sure you leave enough room for a border
If you make a mistake you can undo by the undo button
in the top right

When you are happy with the size just click apply in
the bottom right corner

Next to, get a border select border the same way
you selected adjustments from the botom list then select
what kind of border nature, ink, paper, ETC
then the actual border when you are happy with it click apply

This is the photo cropped and with a border

Now to ad effects

First click effect down at the bottom list then I selected creative

Then I chose greyscale remeber to apply it
if you make a mistake you can always undo

Then go into adjustments then color

you can change the hue wich will change the color
these are some of the colors

This is the one I want but it is to dark so on the same page next to the hue I will use the Lightness tab

Now I will ad a sticker select sticker from the bottom menu
I want a pair of glases so I select Glases chose the pair I want
make the size and color suit the photo
this will all make sense if you do it along step by step

You can chose whatever sticker you want
from the options.

Make sure you apply

Now I want to put a word on the picture.

Chose your type of  writing Write what you want then
change the color  and size to suit you
I am going to use his name.

when you are happy with it,
In the top left corner click save and replace.
your picture is done!!!
This is the picture before I added FX
This is the photo afterwards


  1. Is photobucket a personal site...Like does it give out information?

    1. Hi Hannah, Sarah here

      I am not sure but I think people can see and use your photos. Our mum does not let us put photos of ourselves family or friends incase someone uses them! She only lets us put photos of our pets toys ect, That way if someone uses them It does not really matter.
      I hope this helps!! Sarah
