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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Our LPS world blog

                           Hi. We are two sisters that are just crazy about Littlest pet shop!
                                      My name is Ashley, I am 13. My sister Sarah is 12.
                       We have alot of LPS pets.We still want more but the family doesn't!
         We have three brothers and one baby sister. Jackson, 10, Caleb 9, Joshua 4, and Grace, 2
                                                     And we all homeschool!!
                   Our main posts will be newsletters but we will also make stories and movies.
                        We hope you enjoy our blog! Come back often to see new posts and stories.
         Find other LPS blogs you can even advertise your own see...other LPS blogs...for more info.
                                                          and chat with friends!



                                  Check out some of our posts!

                                                                      (Click were you would like to go)



  1. Hi Ashley and Sarah! This is Trudy from the I like your blog. I am 10 and I am also homeschooled. Thanks, Trudy.

  2. hello i love this blog and your pets i am iona from my blog :D

    1. Hi Iona so sorry it took so long to reply but we have been very busy latly I did not know you have a blog it is not on the lps fun blog would you like us to post it on our page of
      | Looking for more lps blogs |
      just send us a picture in an email to us on if you like XD

    2. Okay I'll will I loveeee this blog you two are very good at this kinda stuff!!

    3. would you like to be blog friends?

    4. Oh of corse I'd like to be blog friends with you!

    5. Cool! If u would like us to to you will need to send us a pic try something that lets people know what your blog is about from Sarah
